Jeera Aalu ~ Kummel Kartoffel (dampf gekocht Kartoffel, leicht sautiert in oil und kummel).
Jeera Aalu is a simplest vegetarian dish. Since Germans love Potatoes, here is a version you can easily sauté and have a different flavor.
Steam cooked Potatoes
Olive Oil
Salt, Pepper, Coriander
1. Boil Potatoes: Take required Potatoes pieces (full), wash them and cook them either in the steam cooker (Dampfkocher) with sufficient water, or simply in a pan with the lid, so the potatoes get steam cooked. You may choose to peel the potatoes beforehand, or peel off the skin after they are cooked. Please be careful, as you pull them out of the steaming water, to let them cool, or pour cold water before attempting to peel the skin!
2. Prepare: After peeling the skin, cut the whole boiled potatoes in to small pieces. Keep ready on the side Salt, Cumin Seeds, Coriander powder and Olive Oil.
3. Sautee: Take a pan, heat it by lacing with OLIVE Oil (just sufficient to form a thin layer) in the pan. Put Cumin Seeds (whole) ~ Kuemmel ganz, to lightly fry and toss the Potato pieces. Sprinkle salt to taste and Coriander powder. Turn gently to fry them.
4. Garnishing: with fresh (washed) coriander cut in small fine pieces, directly over the cooked Potatoes.
5. Alternative: You may add garlic (powder form - Knoblauch granuliert), or Turmeric powder (Kurkuma pulver).